Dr Pursel

Clinician Spotlight - Dr Pursel

Dr. Shannon J Pursel practices general dentistry in Sarver, PA.

She told us, "I am fortunate to have a Waterlase iPlus for use all day in a busy group practice.  Because of this, certain procedures are referred to me.  My go-to tip is the MZ6-6 Ziptip for all restorative procedures and the MZ6-3mm for my pediatric patients. Both tips are so efficient that I rarely need to use local anesthetic! The preparations are ideal for bond strength and therefore post-op sensitivity is not an issue."

Dr. Shannon J Pursel practices general dentistry in Sarver, PA.

She told us, "I am fortunate to have a Waterlase iPlus for use all day in a busy group practice.  Because of this, certain procedures are referred to me.  My go-to tip is the MZ6-6 Ziptip for all restorative procedures and the MZ6-3mm for my pediatric patients. Both tips are so efficient that I rarely need to use local anesthetic! The preparations are ideal for bond strength and therefore post-op sensitivity is not an issue."

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